Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Being Special

I think that this is correct because most people outside of the U.S. think ordinary is okay, while I, being an American, think it is better to be special. I think Alain de Botton is right for saying this sentence. In my opinion, I think being special is the better mindset because it helps people reach their goals and achieve greater things with the help of this.

Thursday, December 5, 2013


For my free blog I will be talking about how the days have been for me since before even Thanksgiving. The homework has been very out of place. See, I went on this vacation with my family before Thanksgiving due to a mishap with my sister's scheduele. In short, I had to drive 12 hours to Minnasota for a family vacation. Since I was absent that whole time, I had to make up all the homework that I had missed.

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Tuesday, December 3, 2013

7 Doors

If I were to pick one of the seven doors, I would want to pick the school of Harry Potter, Hogwarts. I would like to go there because I would want to be a witch and learn magic and wizardry. I would go there and have many fun adventures and make great friends, a lot like Harry himself.

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Tuesday, November 12, 2013

A Bottled-Up Memory

If I could relive a past memory, I would relive the time I was picking out my dog Sun and bringing her home. I would open it every time I feel really sad. I even still remember it a little. I was about 7, and it was the summertime, and all the other dogs where excited to get picked. In the end, we picked the dog that looked the healthiest, and I petted her until we were home.

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Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Changes of the Future

The difference of the two times are that, in the later one, everyone there had either a phone or tablet. This is a significant change because people can take a picture without having to fight over the front seat. This change makes the world completely different because technology makes things much easier for most of our kind. Most people experience big events much differently now thanks to these changes. For the most part, I think this is a good change in life.

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

My Business Letter

Gabrielle Naeger
28478 The Dude Dr.
Saint Louis, MO 13673

October 29, 2013

Mrs. DeBolt
1717 W. Main St.
Festus, MO 63028

Dear Mrs. DeBolt:

For my business letter, I am going to tell you a bit about myself. First of all, there is my amazing
family. There is my mom, my dad, my brother Ian, my sister Tara, and of course my dog Sun are
my main family. They are all very nice and I am very lucky to have them.

Some other things you probably don't know about me are that I love music, art, and science as some of my favorite subjects. I think I especially love music,as I am in band, playing the flute. Another thing is that I happen to be a bit more brain than brawn, for one thing. Lastly, just so you know, my favorite color is red and my favorite food is Jell-O.

All and all, I am really looking forward to technology this year. I think I am pretty good with the computer except I'm a bit slow with typing. While it might seem a bit harsh with the punishments, I will get used to it and I will have a good time with it. I also can't wait to see the fun games we'll get to play once we are done with our work! And so, I have a good feeling about second quarter this year!


Gabrielle Neager

A Big Decision

  Dear Diary,

    My friend has just told me that they need my help in jail, and they said not to tell anyone. I'm not sure what i should do. I need to hear what they have to say, but I'm not sure if they are lying or not. They have changed a lot since prison, because they where framed after a terrible robbery attack and has been telling the police that ever since. I think they want to break out. I don't know what to do. I don't want to ruin my reputation, but my friend was framed in the first place! I am stuck between a rock and a hard place here...
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Thursday, October 24, 2013


My name is Rielle Naeger. I will be using this blog for second quarter in 2013.

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

What I Have Learnerd In Class

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What I like about this class is we don't have to do a lot of work sheets. What I don't like about this class is how it's kinda boring and I wanna sleep durning it. Somethimes some of the porjects we get we need help on because there not direct.I also don't like the work sheets we do. So for next year I think you should change doing work sheets to doing no work sheets.

Thursday, May 16, 2013

End Of School

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I'm so excited for the end of the school year. This was my worest year possible. There was to much drama, and fights . I made new friends this year though with people I would think last of being friends with. Hopefully there will be less drama next year or maybe none. I'm looking forward to next year.

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Rewind Button

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If I had to choose betweeen a rewind button and a pause button I would pick rewind. I would pick rewind button so I could go back to good times I had. Also I could change somethins to affect my future also. Plus I would see friends I don't get to see anymore. That is why I would choose a rewind button for my life and not a pause button.

Tuesday, April 30, 2013


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If I had to pick a door out of the seven doors I would pick the first one. I would pick the first one because I wanna see Narnia. When I go to through the door I hope someone comes to me and explains everything to me and helps me .

Friday, April 26, 2013


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Saturday or Sunday I am going to the Zoo with my friend Josh and Hailey. Josh is bringing us and it's going to be so much fun. Josh likes snakes, but I hate them . He is trying to make me go look at them , but I'm running away. Hailey is probably gonna get lost or run off and we wont be able to find her till we leave. I'm looking forward to this week. I can't wait!

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Rainy Days

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Today it is raining and I love the rain. I can't wait till schools out because then i'll be playing in the rain with Hayley and her brother Josh and his friend Jr. Hayley and I would probably start a mud fight though.

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

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When I see this photo I think of a girl walking down a long road. She is looking for someone else on this road. The girl is lost and doesn't know where to go because the road looks the same . There are no turns or anything just one long road with miles to come a head. Till she finds the end of the road and nothing is there. So she began to walk back to the other side where she came from. with miles and miles a head of her.

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Playing In The Rain

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Yesturday I went to my friend Bella's house. Then we went to Jerik's and hung out with him and Austin Cook. We all were out side then it started raining. We went inside and I made a bed in Jeriks  closet. Then Jeriks little brother moved there trampolin and we got out on the roof when it was raining. Then we jumped off the roof to the trampolin. Then Jerik and I had a mud fight. Yestruday was so much fun.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Bottled My Memory

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If I could bottle up any memory of mine it would be when I met my cousins baby. I would open it everyday just to see his son as a baby. I was so glad to finally see his kid because I only seen him in pictures. This is a wonderful memory to me because i don't see my cousin a lot.So uncroking the bottle would be a wonderful feeling.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

My Business Letter

Augustina Gonzales
1231 Kirkwood Dr.
Las Vegas, NV 61936

March 19, 2013

Mrs. DeBolt
1717 W. Main St.
Festus, MO 63028

Dear Mrs. DeBolt:

Hello, I'm going to tell you a little about myself. I love styling hair for my friends.My friends always ask me to cut,dye,curl,striaghten,tease there hair.I stared off by cutting my barbies hair when I was little and I got better over the years.I always love art.Most the time I draw pictures of flowers,or my friends.

I am the oldest in family.I have one little sister her name is Lena.I have both of my parents in my life. I have alot of pets I have a turtle,three dogs,a bunny, and four birds.The most important thing to me is becoming a hairstylest .

I use to always be on the compurter when u was on third grade.I always would get on Facebook and talk to my friends.I would always play games too.I use to love being on the computer i guess i just grew out of it.

                                                                                         Your student,


Tuesday, March 19, 2013


My name is Augustina Gonzales.I am taking over this blog for fourth quarter.

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Friday, March 8, 2013

Final Blog Post!

To me, this was a pretty decent class. I learned quite a few things I didn't know, like how to actually touch type, and I also had fun with the projects we did. I liked the projects we did, but I had disliked the typing web stuff. I mean, all the first four lessons were just things like "fff jjj fff jjj..." I think you get the picture. I also disliked the vocab sheets. I think you should keep the class primarily the same, since I don't have too much to complain about.

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Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Final Examinacions

It's that time of the quarter again, and here they come: Finals! I've always liked finals in some classes, but others, not so much. Generally, we have pretty decent finals in Communication Arts. We also have pretty simple finals in science. In pre-algebra, the finals can get tedious since the whole class period is used to do the final, then just do it over for extreme checking. In band, the finals are pretty nice since it just means that we have more time to play than usual. In social studies, the finals aren't very hard either.

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Thursday, February 28, 2013

Violence in the Media Pt. 1

After the recent string of shootings in the past year, many people have been looking for answers. Many are pointing fingers towards the media, such as TV, movies, video games, and more. People think that exposing teens to the violence influences them to act in situations violently. I happen to disagree. Although they bring up the point of teens being influenced by the media, I personally see a    lot of this violence, but I'm not a psychologically disturbed sociopath that shoots up innocent people in places like schools and other public places.

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Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Seven Doors

If I were to be faced with seven doors, I would choose the door to Middle Earth. I would go to Middle Earth since I like the Lord of the Rings movies, as well as the fact I could actually meet the characters in the movies. I could also see where the movies took place with my own eyes. It would also be nice to see how the characters in the movie really are. For example, it might end up that Gandalf is really just an old washed-up alcoholic with a staff. Or it could end up Bilbo's adventures were all done by an identical twin brother, and Bilbo took the credit.

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Tuesday, February 19, 2013

She's Not Dead?!?!?!?!?

My high school math teacher disappeared when I was sixteen. I received a letter a few weeks ago in code, which appeared to be something like what she would give out to the class. When I arrived at my high school reunion, I noticed that some of my old classmates also had the same letters. I decided to ask them what they thought the letter said, and it seemed we all had the same message: "Meet me in behind the building at nine P.M. -Mrs. Bekorski." Around 8:45, we went behind the building to wait for whoever wrote the letter, and noticed no one going behind the building...

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Thursday, February 14, 2013

Valentine's Day

Today's Valentine's Day, so I'd might as well blog about it. Valentine's Day is one of the so-so holidays to me, since it mainly revolves around love and couples and the like. That and I'm single so I could care less about Valentine's Day at the moment. At least that lets me save five bucks in chocolate and whatnot. To me it's not as important as schoolwork or anything like that, so like I said, it's a so-so holiday.

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Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Free Blog 2/12/13

Here's today's blog: I don't have too much to blog about, so I'll do stuff off of the top of my head. I was just elected as the Assistant Senior Patrol Leader in my Boy Scout troop. I had toast for breakfast. This is pretty much just random, but I have to fill up this time, so yeah, it's random. I've recently started playing The Elder Scrolls: Skyrim again. So yeah, I'm done for today.

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Tuesday, February 5, 2013


Well, today I've got nothing better to blog about so how about Sasquatch, otherwise known as Bigfoot. For those that don't know, Sasquatch is an extremely tall, extremely hairy creature that is known to live in the wilderness, and is rarely seen by people, if it is even a real creature. People say that Squatches exist, and there's even a show on Animal Planet, Finding Bigfoot. Sasquatches could be real, or they could just be mythical creatures seen by people that are hallucinating. Either way, it's just what you want to believe that really counts.

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Thursday, January 31, 2013

Guitar Man

Many people have a specific hobby they like to do in their free time. I personally prefer to play guitar. I've been playing since last July and I'm pretty good for just taking a ten lesson online course. I have an acoustic that was my grandpa's, and an electric that i bought with my own money. Playing some Zac Brown is how I relax after a long day, but I play more than just country. I also play some rock like Pink Floyd or the Rolling Stones. That's my blog post for today.

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Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Bottled-Up Memory

If I could bottle up one memory, it would be the memory of my first time rappelling face-forward, or "angel style." I would open it every once in a while when I would want to go rappelling or I was bored and needed some excitement. It was a cool, cloudy day, around 60 degrees, and i hadn't went rappelling until that day. I had already went down the rocks a few times, but I hadn't went down angel style before.

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Thursday, January 24, 2013


Minecraft is a great game that is enjoyed by many people. Just about anybody can pick it up and play with its simple controls and endless possibilities. The game gives you so much freedom you can do almost anything. You could build a PSY sculpture out of colored wool in creative mode, or you can just thrive in a one room cabin in survival mode. You can also join a multiplayer server and play with or against your friends and others around the world. In Minecraft you can explore caverns looking for diamonds, start a waterside wheat plantation, or even be a shepherd. Those are just a few of the great things in Minecraft.

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Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Why we should be off on Veteran's Day

As many people may have realized, we don't have school on Martin Luther King Jr. Day, but yet we still have school on Veteran's Day. The district says that they have school on Veteran's Day to educate students about Veteran's Day, but that is highly hypocritical. If they really believe that we should have school on certain holidays, just to learn about that holiday, would it really make sense to call school off on others? It would make more sense as a district to give students Veteran's Day to spend time with their friends or relatives who are veterans, instead of making them go to school for the day.
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Tuesday, January 15, 2013

My Business Letter

Ed Bohnert
177 Cooper Ln.
Freudheim, Belgium 99872

January 10, 2013

Mrs. DeBolt
1717 W. Main St.
Festus, MO 63028

Dear Mrs. DeBolt:

Hi, my name's Ed Bohnert. I'm 13 years old, and I'm currently in your second hour class. I realize that you don't know me very well, so I'll tell you a little about myself. I am in the Boy Scouts of America, and I enjoy camping, hiking, and spending time with my friends, as well as gaming. I've been in Scouts since first grade, and I am currently working on the Star scout rank. I hope to achieve the rank of Eagle before I'm 16, so I can do more of the fun things like camping, hiking, and rappelling without having to worry about rank requirements. There's some things about me.

I'm looking forward to many things in my future. I am planning on going to a highly rated university for a degree that I'm not really sure of. I would like to be in the CIA when I'm older, or maybe the Air Force or Navy. I would want a decently sized house, but yet not a huge mansion. I hope to have a loving family with two beautiful children. those are my hopes for the future.

I have quite a bit of experience with computers. I normally use computers for things like syncing music to MP3 players and gaming, but I also use them for word documents and PowerPoint presentations. I don't normally use my computer to browse the web since I use my iPod instead. I am pretty knowledgeable when it comes to how the computer runs and how networks work. The one thing i don't like about my own personal computer is the fact that it seems like it just doesn't want to work even after I performed a complete virus scan and fixed the registry. Well, there's my experience with computers.

Ed Bohnert

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Bellringer 1/15

Arturo was running away. He had stolen $5 million from an extremely successful armaments company, then destroyed the headquarters. Or at least that's what the authorities thought. They believed he was a member of the known terrorist group, Al Aman, and the group completely endorsed his actions. But they weren't his.

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Thursday, January 10, 2013


Ah the glorious memories of childhood. The other day i started playing the Sly Cooper HD collection for the PS3 gaming console. Most people either didn't play or can't remember Sly Cooper from the PS2, but I personally believe it was a great gaming franchise. The HD collection  has completely remastered these games both in visual quality and audio quality. It brought back great memories of my childhood playing Sly Cooper. That's a childhood memory for you.

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Wednesday, January 9, 2013


My name is Ed. As you can tell from this post's title, I am in fact, taking over this blog for third quarter.

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