Thursday, April 26, 2012

Summer 2012!(:

Well, it's almost Summer 2012!(: I can't wait! But at the same time I can 't believe that my seventh grade year is almost over! Well, I have an epic summer planned! Swimming, taning, hanging out with my friends, all kinds of stuff! I'm determined to make this the best summer EVER! I just wish this school year would already be over! If I could do anything this summer though, it would be...... Hmmmm, I'm not really sure, but I just wish summer would come already! I've been waiting for May 18, since like, August 16! I. Cant. Wait!(:
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Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Earth Day(:

Some ways that I could help the Earth stay clean is if we all pick up our trash or others' trash at parks, stores, streets, highways, and other places. Also if when we brush our teeth we don't leave the water running it saves more water, also to save more water if you usually take a twenty minute shower, lower your time down to about ten to fifteen minutes instead of twenty. Also when you go shopping at your local grocery store, don't use the paper bags they provide, use your own. Bring your own bag, put your grocery items in that, rather then the plastic bags!(:
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Wednesday, April 18, 2012


Twilight is my favorite movie(: It's slso my favorite book! I've read each of the four books seven times each, at least, and I've seen the movies many more(: I have everything you could think of Twilight, socks, posters, T-Shirts, jewlery, Barbie Dolls, Action Figures, Books, Pillow Cases, Blankets, Cardboard Cut Out, And Perfumes!(:
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Thursday, April 12, 2012


I absolutely love music! I listen to it all the time! My life pretty much functions on music and the meaning of the song lyrics(: If I had to pick my favorite band it would probably be Nevershoutnever(: My favorite song by them is Sacreligous. All song lyrics that I listen to mean the world to me, once you really understand what there about, you would really like them to. There pretty much all I listen to, other then some smaller unknown bands. Just the way music comes across to me, other people, and writers just means the world to me! I honestly have no clue what I would do without music honestly! But there is some music that I don't like, country! Well yeah, Bye!
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Tuesday, April 10, 2012

If I always look how I feel..

If I always look how I feel, sometimes I wouln't be very pretty, or very funny, just kind of quiet and far off in  the diststance, living in my own little world. If  I looked how I feel I also wouldn't get up every morning just to put make-up on and do my hair all nice some days. Some days I would come to school with my hair in a ponytail, sweats on, and no make-up, because most days, that's exactly how I feel. I'm always tired, or not in a good mood, or upset, or bored. I can just never win, no matter how hard I actually try, it's always the same thing. But there would be someays where I would dress up and look pretty and colorful.
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Thursday, April 5, 2012

Dance Recital

In June I have a big Dance Recital that comes every year. I have been dancing for ten years, and I love it. i go every Tuesday! But for June we have our costumes already, my Ballet costume is a light blue medium blue tye-dye dress. And then for Tap I have a sparkly vest that goes over a black tank top, blue jean shorts, and a cowboy hat, and the for jazzwe have a blue leotard with purple shorts attached and a big purle and blue tutu, with a vest with it that's sparkly pink, blue, and purple. My favorite form of dance is ballet. I can really express myself and feel the music.
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Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Why you Should Eat A Healthy Breakfast

 Because eating a healthy breakfat in the morning keeps you healthy through the day, you need to stay healthy all the time! A couple ways to stay healthy are going outside and running, playing basketball, kicking a soccerball, hitting a ball with a tennis racket, dancing, just getting outside and being active. If you dont stay active, you will begin to gain weight, and once you start to gain it, it is very hard to loose. Over half of America is becoming obese because of lacck of excersise. You don't want to be like that do you? If you eat a healthy balenced breakfast and excersise you will stay healthy.
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