Thursday, October 9, 2014


Popcorn is one of my fevorite snacks. I love most popcorn but my favorite is probably kettle corn or movie theater popcorn. I love the kin at movie theaters because it has lots of butter and salt. Kettle corn is one of the bests because it is a mixture of crunchy, salty, and sweet. Actually, I love all popcorn ecspecially kettle corn with chocolate on top. That is like heaven in my mouth. Regular salted popcorn is probably the most dull flavor, and I don't like that. If I have plain popcorn, I will probably add lots of butter. Even if it isn't that healthy. I think I might have some popcorn after school.
Aztec Hot Buttered Popcorn

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Banana Man

There one was a man made of complete bananas. His name was Benny. Benny was a world traveler dedicated to finding exotic bananas. So far, he has traveled to Rome, Canada, Rhode Island, and now the Bahamas. Benny had one goal in the Bahamas, to execute the banana keeper. He was in charge of the banana inventory all around the world and there was noone getting to his bananas. Benny was worldly known for all his sly techniques in the art of banana stealing. First, he would tickle the guard. Then, he would squirt banana juice in the guards eyes from behind. Lastly he would steal bananas and race of to his banana van, which stored all the bananas he has ever stolenfrom arund the world. Luckily, with a brief move, Benny knocked out the big banana keeper and he was able to steal the finest bananas in the world.