Tuesday, September 30, 2014


Last week, there was three kids in the lunch room who created the whole "Cheez-its incident." They thought it was going to be so funny to start a fight over this delicious snack. their plan wasn to throw Cheez-its at all the students in teschers. Then, they would run around the cafiteria throwing crums from the Cheez-its in the air. Their plan comensed as soon as I sat down to eat. After they succeded their mission the three little boys ran off in to the dark, and they haven't been seen since. Since that day, Cheez-its have been banned in the Cafeteria. 
Amazon.com : Cheez-It Crackers, Original, 1.5-Ounce Packages (Pack of 36) : Packaged Snack Crackers : Grocery &amp; Gourmet Food</title>

Thursday, September 25, 2014


Volleyball has to be my favorite sport. So far, I have been playing for a couple years now. I just love the satisfying feeling when you hit the ball. This school season, we have gone undefeated so far. Tonight we are playing Desoto which is one of the teams that beat us in the 1st tournament. My absolute favorite team is Penn State. I'm not sure why, but I really like the players. I also like Florida State. For my personal teams I am number nine. That is my lucky number so it kind of works out. Anyways, a lot of people think volleyball has to do with just hitting a ball. It's more about the foccus you put toward it.
>Youth Program Clipart, Youth Church Images, Church Youth Graphics - Sharefaith

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

What I'll Never Forget

When I'm older I will never forget about who my best friends are at the moment because they are always here, and I make great memories with them. First of all, my bestfriends are Karli, Alyssa, Kylee, Cailey, and Katie. I have other friends, but these are the ones that mean the most to me. Honestly, I have no clue what I would do without them. As an adult I think I will mostly remember all the fun and exciting memories we all have together. For instance, going to water parks, the mall, baseball games, and even just hanging out at home. I really hope we all stay close and never forget about eachother because I really can't imagine all of us not being friends.
Can You Have Too Many Best Friends?

Thursday, September 18, 2014


Halloween has to be one of my favorite holidays. I know its kinda early, but I'm just really excited. This year, I decided that I'm going to have a Halloween party and dress up. So, either we can all dress up and go trick-or-treatong, or just hangout. I still haven't fully decided what I want to be yet, but I think I might be a girl version on Spider-Man with a tutu. A couple of my friends want to be superheros too so I think that's what we're doing.  I also fel like I might go trick-or-treating for one more year. Especially because my neighbor gives out full siz ecandy bars. My absolute favorite kind of candy is sour patch kids. I honestly can't even wait!
Scary/Halloween GIFs

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Ninja Beach

There once was two nijas on a beach, Ninja Beach. One day, Cammy was talking to her friend , Kaite. The were tryiong tp figure out how to get off the beach since they have been on this deserted island for thirteen year. They first became stranded whiloe pursuing their ninja duties. Their mission was to climb to the highest mountain on the island and do their signature sequence. A roundoff, backhandsping, turtle kick, double backflip, jada star stunt, and a back tuck. Cammy and Kaite had been training for this final battle for several years. Finally, when they finished the boat that had brought them here, had left. They had no idea what happened, so they were suck on the island. Their idea was to write their story in the sand and hopefully find help, but sadly,no help has showed up.
Mlle in de Grote Appel: January 2009

Tuesday, September 9, 2014


9/11 was a terrorist attack on the twin towers in September of 2001. Terrrorists planned to crash a plane into the towers. Unfortunately, the terrorists achived theie goal, and let many familys feeling broken because family members passed away. The attack was very heart breaking for many people.

Thursday, September 4, 2014


I can't wait for fall this year because there is so many things I'm looking forward to. For example, jackets. I absolutely love wearing jackets because they are warm and comfy. Another reason is bonfires. I love the crisp cool air with the warm fire. For some reason it makes me feel really good inside. I also absolutely love Halloween. Especially since me and my friend already picked out our costumes. I really can't wait until fall because that's when we play outside and its just really fun. One of my absolute favorite things about fall is that club volleyball starts. I absolutely can not wait. Fall needs to hurry up.
Caring for Trees in the Fall - Nixa Lawn Service

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

If I Raise Children

If I raise children I will make sure they learn how to mamage their priorities. For example, most guys now a day are obsessed with shoes. Shoes are not as important as homework. My kids will need to spend more time on their school work over recearching and buying shoes. Another example is that theyshould be home more than once a week. Sometimes, family time is more important than friend time. Lastly, school is more important than sports. Yes, some people may disagree, but I believe that my kids will have to finish all their work before they are allowed to do all their sports/extra curricular activities.
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