Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Kid Nation 4

Religion is becoming a problem for the people of Pananza City. There are Christians, Jews, Hebrews. Muslims, Methodists, Amethysts and Hinduism. Morgan decides to have a bonfire for people who want to say a prayer or two. All kinds of kids with different religions come together for a prayer time. They all came together when they thought they couldn't.

Social Solidarity:
All the kids worked together in the showdown to get the reward and they did. They could choose between a golf course or holy books. They chose the holy books and got to learn about other people's religions. The in showdown they had to place puzzle pieces on a church shaped board and crank it up till it hits the bell at the top. Blue got upper class, Red got merchants, Yellow got cooks, and Green got laborers.

Zach says that it feels like it's his duty to do the dishes by himself because none of the Yellows will help him. Taylor, the yellow leader, doesn't do anything that she is supposed to do. Everybody thinks Zach is a better leader than Taylor. Taylor sleeps in too late while Zach gets up early to make breakfast and clean the dishes.
Zach would be a better leader than Taylor because people listen to him and he does what is right to make this town thrive.

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Poorest President in The World

I think that the president of Gruguay, Jose` Mujica is very generous and isn't greedy about his money. He donates 90% of his $12,500 salary to charity and keeps only $1,250 of it. I think a lot of people in Gruguay respect him.
 Picture from Here
Picture from Here

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Birthday Party

My birthday party is coming up. It is going to be on Saturday, April 26th, at 3:00 p.m. It's going to be a sleepover. My theme is music, so my mom is going to make a piano cake with Kit-Kat bars for the black keys. First, my friends are going to come over and will play inside or outside depending on the weather. Secondly, we'll have cake and sing 'Happy Birthday' to me. Lastly, I'll open my cards and presents. Then, we will do whatever we want.

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Kid Nation 3

Greg was waking people up too early. He was banging pots around the cabins. They stayed up to late drinking soda and had a showdown later that day. Some of the kids got hurt when Greg and his friend were dragging and rolling over people trying to get them up.

Mallory believes in God and is a Christian. She doesn't like that Greg is cussing and being mean to the other kids. So some of the other kids tell him to lose the attitude. She is thinking about leaving and her birthday is coming up and her sister is worrying about her being homesick.

The kids weren't doing their jobs. They had another showdown and Yellow got upper class, Blue got merchants, Green got cooks and Red got laborers. Then in the mess hall they were deciding how the council was doing their work and some of the kids weren't happy with the way the council was doing there jobs. They wanted a re-vote for council members.

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Kid Nation 2

Values: a girl named Emilie doesn't want to kill the chicken when the council members take a vote with all the kids and she is out voted. They cut 2 chicken heads off  and Emilie decides she wants to leave. For breakfast they don't have any water because the pump is frozen but they finally get it unfrozen.

Society: The teams red,yellow,green, and blue are in another showdown. They have to put pipes on other pipes to get a water wheel to work. They have to work as a team. Blue is upper class, Red is merchants, Yellow is cooks, and Green are the labors.

Norms: The yellow team isn't cooking when their supposed to.

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

My Birthday

This Thursday is my birthday. I will be 13 years old. For my birthday party I'm going to have a sleepover with my 3 best friends. I'm also having my family over. So my birthday party will basically go like this:
My friends and family will come over at 3:00, we will play outside or inside determining on the weather, go inside for cake and gifts, then we will have the rest of the day to do whatever we want. My friends will spend the night and tomorrow we will have pancakes for breakfast and then they will go home.

picture from here

Friday, April 4, 2014

My Friendly Letter

                                                                                                                    1717 W. Main St.
                                                                                                                     Festus, MO 63028
                                                                                                                     April 1, 2014

Dear Mrs. DeBolt,

     My name is Madelyn Zych but I go by Maddy. I'm going to tell you a little bit about myself. I'm 12 yrs. old and was born April 10, 2001. I live with my mom, dad, my brother, Shawn, and our two dogs, Mya and Molly. We used to have a cat, Bonnie, but she died this January. We are supposed to get a yellow lab this year but we can't find anybody who has puppies to sell. My favorite colors are lime green, teal, and hot pink. My favorite season is summer because school is out and I get to go swimming in my new pool. My favorite animal is the red panda. My favorite sports are volleyball and basketball. Next year I'm going to try out for track.

     The craziest thing about me is that I love free falling. About a year ago I went to New Hampshire to visit family and we went to a zip lining place called Monkey Trunks. It's a place where you can climb, zip line and my favorite part free fall. There was this part where you are in a zip line harness and you free fall for a little bit and then the line that's holding your harness catches you. It's scary at first but it's fun. If you go to google and search Monkey Trunks it will bring up pictures of it.

     I'm good with computers and typing because if my iPad isn't working correctly, I ask my dad for help and watch him fix it so I can fix it on my own the next time. I'm good at typing too because I spend my free time texting my friends. I hope I have a fun 4th quarter in your class.
                                                                                                                           Madelyn Zych


Kid Nation 1

Kid Nation is about these kids who are in the middle of nowhere trying to survive in a desert in a small town. There are no adults and 4 council members who are kids. On day one they try to make macaroni and cheese for dinner and it failed the first time. A girl named Sophia deciedes to step in and do it the right way and then they have a successful dinner. Day two they made pancakes and everyone was supposed to get one but got more and everyone was fighting. On day three the council members read the book and made four districts red, blue, yellow, and green. They have a showdown to see who gets what job. On day four the council members decide who gets the gold star and Sophia got it because of her hard work.

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Do video games make kids more violent?

I think that video games do make kids more violent. Games such as Black Ops and Call of Duty require the players to kill people on the opposing  team. some games are educational and are ok to play.
picture from here