Thursday, October 9, 2014


Popcorn is one of my fevorite snacks. I love most popcorn but my favorite is probably kettle corn or movie theater popcorn. I love the kin at movie theaters because it has lots of butter and salt. Kettle corn is one of the bests because it is a mixture of crunchy, salty, and sweet. Actually, I love all popcorn ecspecially kettle corn with chocolate on top. That is like heaven in my mouth. Regular salted popcorn is probably the most dull flavor, and I don't like that. If I have plain popcorn, I will probably add lots of butter. Even if it isn't that healthy. I think I might have some popcorn after school.
Aztec Hot Buttered Popcorn

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Banana Man

There one was a man made of complete bananas. His name was Benny. Benny was a world traveler dedicated to finding exotic bananas. So far, he has traveled to Rome, Canada, Rhode Island, and now the Bahamas. Benny had one goal in the Bahamas, to execute the banana keeper. He was in charge of the banana inventory all around the world and there was noone getting to his bananas. Benny was worldly known for all his sly techniques in the art of banana stealing. First, he would tickle the guard. Then, he would squirt banana juice in the guards eyes from behind. Lastly he would steal bananas and race of to his banana van, which stored all the bananas he has ever stolenfrom arund the world. Luckily, with a brief move, Benny knocked out the big banana keeper and he was able to steal the finest bananas in the world.

Tuesday, September 30, 2014


Last week, there was three kids in the lunch room who created the whole "Cheez-its incident." They thought it was going to be so funny to start a fight over this delicious snack. their plan wasn to throw Cheez-its at all the students in teschers. Then, they would run around the cafiteria throwing crums from the Cheez-its in the air. Their plan comensed as soon as I sat down to eat. After they succeded their mission the three little boys ran off in to the dark, and they haven't been seen since. Since that day, Cheez-its have been banned in the Cafeteria. : Cheez-It Crackers, Original, 1.5-Ounce Packages (Pack of 36) : Packaged Snack Crackers : Grocery &amp; Gourmet Food</title>

Thursday, September 25, 2014


Volleyball has to be my favorite sport. So far, I have been playing for a couple years now. I just love the satisfying feeling when you hit the ball. This school season, we have gone undefeated so far. Tonight we are playing Desoto which is one of the teams that beat us in the 1st tournament. My absolute favorite team is Penn State. I'm not sure why, but I really like the players. I also like Florida State. For my personal teams I am number nine. That is my lucky number so it kind of works out. Anyways, a lot of people think volleyball has to do with just hitting a ball. It's more about the foccus you put toward it.
>Youth Program Clipart, Youth Church Images, Church Youth Graphics - Sharefaith

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

What I'll Never Forget

When I'm older I will never forget about who my best friends are at the moment because they are always here, and I make great memories with them. First of all, my bestfriends are Karli, Alyssa, Kylee, Cailey, and Katie. I have other friends, but these are the ones that mean the most to me. Honestly, I have no clue what I would do without them. As an adult I think I will mostly remember all the fun and exciting memories we all have together. For instance, going to water parks, the mall, baseball games, and even just hanging out at home. I really hope we all stay close and never forget about eachother because I really can't imagine all of us not being friends.
Can You Have Too Many Best Friends?

Thursday, September 18, 2014


Halloween has to be one of my favorite holidays. I know its kinda early, but I'm just really excited. This year, I decided that I'm going to have a Halloween party and dress up. So, either we can all dress up and go trick-or-treatong, or just hangout. I still haven't fully decided what I want to be yet, but I think I might be a girl version on Spider-Man with a tutu. A couple of my friends want to be superheros too so I think that's what we're doing.  I also fel like I might go trick-or-treating for one more year. Especially because my neighbor gives out full siz ecandy bars. My absolute favorite kind of candy is sour patch kids. I honestly can't even wait!
Scary/Halloween GIFs

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Ninja Beach

There once was two nijas on a beach, Ninja Beach. One day, Cammy was talking to her friend , Kaite. The were tryiong tp figure out how to get off the beach since they have been on this deserted island for thirteen year. They first became stranded whiloe pursuing their ninja duties. Their mission was to climb to the highest mountain on the island and do their signature sequence. A roundoff, backhandsping, turtle kick, double backflip, jada star stunt, and a back tuck. Cammy and Kaite had been training for this final battle for several years. Finally, when they finished the boat that had brought them here, had left. They had no idea what happened, so they were suck on the island. Their idea was to write their story in the sand and hopefully find help, but sadly,no help has showed up.
Mlle in de Grote Appel: January 2009

Tuesday, September 9, 2014


9/11 was a terrorist attack on the twin towers in September of 2001. Terrrorists planned to crash a plane into the towers. Unfortunately, the terrorists achived theie goal, and let many familys feeling broken because family members passed away. The attack was very heart breaking for many people.

Thursday, September 4, 2014


I can't wait for fall this year because there is so many things I'm looking forward to. For example, jackets. I absolutely love wearing jackets because they are warm and comfy. Another reason is bonfires. I love the crisp cool air with the warm fire. For some reason it makes me feel really good inside. I also absolutely love Halloween. Especially since me and my friend already picked out our costumes. I really can't wait until fall because that's when we play outside and its just really fun. One of my absolute favorite things about fall is that club volleyball starts. I absolutely can not wait. Fall needs to hurry up.
Caring for Trees in the Fall - Nixa Lawn Service

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

If I Raise Children

If I raise children I will make sure they learn how to mamage their priorities. For example, most guys now a day are obsessed with shoes. Shoes are not as important as homework. My kids will need to spend more time on their school work over recearching and buying shoes. Another example is that theyshould be home more than once a week. Sometimes, family time is more important than friend time. Lastly, school is more important than sports. Yes, some people may disagree, but I believe that my kids will have to finish all their work before they are allowed to do all their sports/extra curricular activities.
Are Contact Lenses a Good Choice for Kids? | Optometrist Miami | Same day Eyeglasses |

Thursday, August 28, 2014

My Summer

I'm sad that summer is over, but I'm kinda glad school is back. My summer might of been the best ever. I spent alot of time with friends, family and new people. My favorite part was seeing my best friend from Kansas City, Karli. I missed her so much! Finally, she had a soccer tournament like an hour away that I went to. I also went ot sixflags alot. Most of the time I spent with my friends, we would go to water parks or even to the mall. Some nights I would stay home and FaceTime because I love doing that. This year we didn't go on vacation, but we did spend alot of time going swimming. Hopefully, we make the most of the heat before the fall comes. I just really love summer.
3D Animated Summer Scene - High Definition Royalty Free Stock Videos


My name is Kaitlynn Prater. I will be using this blog throughout  first semester.
Penn State Volleyball Magnet Nittany Lions (PSU)

Thursday, May 22, 2014


For my birthday my mom didn't get me a gift so she said she would take me shopping. I wanted to go to Kohl's, Target, and JC Penny's to get clothes and other things. At Kohl's I'm going to get some shorts, t-shirts, tank tops, belts, shoes, and at least 2 new purses. At Target I'm going to get some athletic shorts, shirts, and some new tennis shoes. At JC Penny I'm going to get some new shirts, shorts, dress shoes and spring/summer dresses. So I hope this day comes soon because I need some new clothes.
Picture From Here

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

What really bugs me is...

What really bugs me is when your trying to say something but people just keep on talking. It makes be want to scream when people do this to me. I open my mouth but the people just keep on talking. Like yesterday the teacher called on me to answer the question and someone else just blurted out the answer. I was like, "Seriously, the teacher didn't even call on you. If you weren't called on keep your mouth shut." I was talking to my friend, Libby and her other friend came up to her and interrupted me. I was very frustrated at Libby's friend.

Picture From Here

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Moving Day

In 2010 we moved to a new house because our old house was too small. So when we first moved I was upset about it because I knew I was going to miss the old house. My old house was located on Vine Street. I don't know the address of my old house because we moved when I was 9 turning 10. My new address, I know perfectly it is 10928 Bailey School Rd. Festus M.O. I still miss my old house, but I know that this house is better. The old house was where I had a lot of memories, but  I know that I will make new memories in my new house.
Picture From Here

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

My Weekend

This past weekend I went down to the country which is were my grandma used to live with here sisters. We went down there for Mother's Day and the dedication to the pavilion which just got built a year ago. So my cousins and I ate hot dogs, potato salad, my mom's potatoes cassaroll with corn flakes on top of it and some cookies to top it off. After we ate my cousin, Connor, took me on a four-wheeler ride. It lasted about 30 minutes long because I kept getting banged around back there and he kept going too fast. I thought I was going to die!

 Picture From Here
Picture from Here

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Kid Nation 7

Taylor is labeled as lazy because she doesn't work or do anything she is supposed to do. She just doesn't care. She says just deal with it. She needs to work together with the other people. She needs to stop being so lazy.

Primary Deviance:
Pharaoh just started working after he heard how much the gold star is worth. Nathan has been working since he got here. Divad did the same thing as Pharaoh. Nathan deserved the gold star because he is a good worker. Nathan did get the gold star because he was a hard worker.

Secondary Deviance:
Taylor was being lazy and still won't work. She needs to stop being a brat and work. She needs to stop being selfish and do the work. She thinks it is so hard but it really isn't she's just lazy. People think she should just go home.        

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Kid Nation 6

Zach and Guylan are voted the new town council members. Everyone thinks Zach is better than Taylor because he works. Taylor didn't care about working and was just being selfish. She was being mean to everybody. Zach was talking about how the trash stinks and they need to get rid of it. So they bury it outside of the town far away.

They had to cooperate with their team members in the showdown to get the reward. It was the fruit and vegetables or the buggies. The council members chose the fruit and vegetables. Red got upperclass, Green got Merchants, Yellow got Cooks and Blue got Laborers. They worked together and got the reward for cooperation.

Taylor and Leila change their attitude about getting dirty. Lelia decides to help with the trash. Taylor doesn't care and doesn't do the work she is supposed to do. She got voted out of council and Zach took her place so she is now a normal person and has to work but is lazy and doesn't want to. Lelia helps a little bit but goes back to being laxy.

Monday, May 5, 2014

Kid Nation 5

There are 4 groups. Blue, Green, Yellow, and Red. They have another showdown and Yellow gets upper class, green gets merchants, red gets cooks, and blue gets laborers. They have to work together but they keep fighting. They all win the prize as a group. They chose the toothpaste, tooth brushes, and floss over the political grill.

There is a election for council members. Zach, Olivia, and Guylan have a speech for the position of the council members Taylor, Anjay, and Mike. They are going to decide who will be the best leader for all the teams. They keep arguing and some of the girls from yellow cry because a red person ripped Taylor's poster.

Out-Group: The yellow team feels like an out-group because of the way Taylor is acting. They all get upset with the way Taylor is being mean. Everyone is voting for Taylor because she is their friend not the best leader like Zach.

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Kid Nation 4

Religion is becoming a problem for the people of Pananza City. There are Christians, Jews, Hebrews. Muslims, Methodists, Amethysts and Hinduism. Morgan decides to have a bonfire for people who want to say a prayer or two. All kinds of kids with different religions come together for a prayer time. They all came together when they thought they couldn't.

Social Solidarity:
All the kids worked together in the showdown to get the reward and they did. They could choose between a golf course or holy books. They chose the holy books and got to learn about other people's religions. The in showdown they had to place puzzle pieces on a church shaped board and crank it up till it hits the bell at the top. Blue got upper class, Red got merchants, Yellow got cooks, and Green got laborers.

Zach says that it feels like it's his duty to do the dishes by himself because none of the Yellows will help him. Taylor, the yellow leader, doesn't do anything that she is supposed to do. Everybody thinks Zach is a better leader than Taylor. Taylor sleeps in too late while Zach gets up early to make breakfast and clean the dishes.
Zach would be a better leader than Taylor because people listen to him and he does what is right to make this town thrive.

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Poorest President in The World

I think that the president of Gruguay, Jose` Mujica is very generous and isn't greedy about his money. He donates 90% of his $12,500 salary to charity and keeps only $1,250 of it. I think a lot of people in Gruguay respect him.
 Picture from Here
Picture from Here

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Birthday Party

My birthday party is coming up. It is going to be on Saturday, April 26th, at 3:00 p.m. It's going to be a sleepover. My theme is music, so my mom is going to make a piano cake with Kit-Kat bars for the black keys. First, my friends are going to come over and will play inside or outside depending on the weather. Secondly, we'll have cake and sing 'Happy Birthday' to me. Lastly, I'll open my cards and presents. Then, we will do whatever we want.

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Kid Nation 3

Greg was waking people up too early. He was banging pots around the cabins. They stayed up to late drinking soda and had a showdown later that day. Some of the kids got hurt when Greg and his friend were dragging and rolling over people trying to get them up.

Mallory believes in God and is a Christian. She doesn't like that Greg is cussing and being mean to the other kids. So some of the other kids tell him to lose the attitude. She is thinking about leaving and her birthday is coming up and her sister is worrying about her being homesick.

The kids weren't doing their jobs. They had another showdown and Yellow got upper class, Blue got merchants, Green got cooks and Red got laborers. Then in the mess hall they were deciding how the council was doing their work and some of the kids weren't happy with the way the council was doing there jobs. They wanted a re-vote for council members.

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Kid Nation 2

Values: a girl named Emilie doesn't want to kill the chicken when the council members take a vote with all the kids and she is out voted. They cut 2 chicken heads off  and Emilie decides she wants to leave. For breakfast they don't have any water because the pump is frozen but they finally get it unfrozen.

Society: The teams red,yellow,green, and blue are in another showdown. They have to put pipes on other pipes to get a water wheel to work. They have to work as a team. Blue is upper class, Red is merchants, Yellow is cooks, and Green are the labors.

Norms: The yellow team isn't cooking when their supposed to.

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

My Birthday

This Thursday is my birthday. I will be 13 years old. For my birthday party I'm going to have a sleepover with my 3 best friends. I'm also having my family over. So my birthday party will basically go like this:
My friends and family will come over at 3:00, we will play outside or inside determining on the weather, go inside for cake and gifts, then we will have the rest of the day to do whatever we want. My friends will spend the night and tomorrow we will have pancakes for breakfast and then they will go home.

picture from here

Friday, April 4, 2014

My Friendly Letter

                                                                                                                    1717 W. Main St.
                                                                                                                     Festus, MO 63028
                                                                                                                     April 1, 2014

Dear Mrs. DeBolt,

     My name is Madelyn Zych but I go by Maddy. I'm going to tell you a little bit about myself. I'm 12 yrs. old and was born April 10, 2001. I live with my mom, dad, my brother, Shawn, and our two dogs, Mya and Molly. We used to have a cat, Bonnie, but she died this January. We are supposed to get a yellow lab this year but we can't find anybody who has puppies to sell. My favorite colors are lime green, teal, and hot pink. My favorite season is summer because school is out and I get to go swimming in my new pool. My favorite animal is the red panda. My favorite sports are volleyball and basketball. Next year I'm going to try out for track.

     The craziest thing about me is that I love free falling. About a year ago I went to New Hampshire to visit family and we went to a zip lining place called Monkey Trunks. It's a place where you can climb, zip line and my favorite part free fall. There was this part where you are in a zip line harness and you free fall for a little bit and then the line that's holding your harness catches you. It's scary at first but it's fun. If you go to google and search Monkey Trunks it will bring up pictures of it.

     I'm good with computers and typing because if my iPad isn't working correctly, I ask my dad for help and watch him fix it so I can fix it on my own the next time. I'm good at typing too because I spend my free time texting my friends. I hope I have a fun 4th quarter in your class.
                                                                                                                           Madelyn Zych


Kid Nation 1

Kid Nation is about these kids who are in the middle of nowhere trying to survive in a desert in a small town. There are no adults and 4 council members who are kids. On day one they try to make macaroni and cheese for dinner and it failed the first time. A girl named Sophia deciedes to step in and do it the right way and then they have a successful dinner. Day two they made pancakes and everyone was supposed to get one but got more and everyone was fighting. On day three the council members read the book and made four districts red, blue, yellow, and green. They have a showdown to see who gets what job. On day four the council members decide who gets the gold star and Sophia got it because of her hard work.

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Do video games make kids more violent?

I think that video games do make kids more violent. Games such as Black Ops and Call of Duty require the players to kill people on the opposing  team. some games are educational and are ok to play.
picture from here

Monday, March 31, 2014