Tuesday, May 21, 2013

What I Have Learnerd In Class

picture from here
What I like about this class is we don't have to do a lot of work sheets. What I don't like about this class is how it's kinda boring and I wanna sleep durning it. Somethimes some of the porjects we get we need help on because there not direct.I also don't like the work sheets we do. So for next year I think you should change doing work sheets to doing no work sheets.

Thursday, May 16, 2013

End Of School

picture from here
I'm so excited for the end of the school year. This was my worest year possible. There was to much drama, and fights . I made new friends this year though with people I would think last of being friends with. Hopefully there will be less drama next year or maybe none. I'm looking forward to next year.

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Rewind Button

Picture From Here
If I had to choose betweeen a rewind button and a pause button I would pick rewind. I would pick rewind button so I could go back to good times I had. Also I could change somethins to affect my future also. Plus I would see friends I don't get to see anymore. That is why I would choose a rewind button for my life and not a pause button.