Tuesday, April 30, 2013


picture from here
If I had to pick a door out of the seven doors I would pick the first one. I would pick the first one because I wanna see Narnia. When I go to through the door I hope someone comes to me and explains everything to me and helps me .

Friday, April 26, 2013


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Saturday or Sunday I am going to the Zoo with my friend Josh and Hailey. Josh is bringing us and it's going to be so much fun. Josh likes snakes, but I hate them . He is trying to make me go look at them , but I'm running away. Hailey is probably gonna get lost or run off and we wont be able to find her till we leave. I'm looking forward to this week. I can't wait!

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Rainy Days

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Today it is raining and I love the rain. I can't wait till schools out because then i'll be playing in the rain with Hayley and her brother Josh and his friend Jr. Hayley and I would probably start a mud fight though.

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Picture from here
When I see this photo I think of a girl walking down a long road. She is looking for someone else on this road. The girl is lost and doesn't know where to go because the road looks the same . There are no turns or anything just one long road with miles to come a head. Till she finds the end of the road and nothing is there. So she began to walk back to the other side where she came from. with miles and miles a head of her.

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Playing In The Rain

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Yesturday I went to my friend Bella's house. Then we went to Jerik's and hung out with him and Austin Cook. We all were out side then it started raining. We went inside and I made a bed in Jeriks  closet. Then Jeriks little brother moved there trampolin and we got out on the roof when it was raining. Then we jumped off the roof to the trampolin. Then Jerik and I had a mud fight. Yestruday was so much fun.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Bottled My Memory

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If I could bottle up any memory of mine it would be when I met my cousins baby. I would open it everyday just to see his son as a baby. I was so glad to finally see his kid because I only seen him in pictures. This is a wonderful memory to me because i don't see my cousin a lot.So uncroking the bottle would be a wonderful feeling.