Thursday, February 28, 2013

Violence in the Media Pt. 1

After the recent string of shootings in the past year, many people have been looking for answers. Many are pointing fingers towards the media, such as TV, movies, video games, and more. People think that exposing teens to the violence influences them to act in situations violently. I happen to disagree. Although they bring up the point of teens being influenced by the media, I personally see a    lot of this violence, but I'm not a psychologically disturbed sociopath that shoots up innocent people in places like schools and other public places.

picture from here

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Seven Doors

If I were to be faced with seven doors, I would choose the door to Middle Earth. I would go to Middle Earth since I like the Lord of the Rings movies, as well as the fact I could actually meet the characters in the movies. I could also see where the movies took place with my own eyes. It would also be nice to see how the characters in the movie really are. For example, it might end up that Gandalf is really just an old washed-up alcoholic with a staff. Or it could end up Bilbo's adventures were all done by an identical twin brother, and Bilbo took the credit.

picture from here

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

She's Not Dead?!?!?!?!?

My high school math teacher disappeared when I was sixteen. I received a letter a few weeks ago in code, which appeared to be something like what she would give out to the class. When I arrived at my high school reunion, I noticed that some of my old classmates also had the same letters. I decided to ask them what they thought the letter said, and it seemed we all had the same message: "Meet me in behind the building at nine P.M. -Mrs. Bekorski." Around 8:45, we went behind the building to wait for whoever wrote the letter, and noticed no one going behind the building...

picture from here

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Valentine's Day

Today's Valentine's Day, so I'd might as well blog about it. Valentine's Day is one of the so-so holidays to me, since it mainly revolves around love and couples and the like. That and I'm single so I could care less about Valentine's Day at the moment. At least that lets me save five bucks in chocolate and whatnot. To me it's not as important as schoolwork or anything like that, so like I said, it's a so-so holiday.

picture from here

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Free Blog 2/12/13

Here's today's blog: I don't have too much to blog about, so I'll do stuff off of the top of my head. I was just elected as the Assistant Senior Patrol Leader in my Boy Scout troop. I had toast for breakfast. This is pretty much just random, but I have to fill up this time, so yeah, it's random. I've recently started playing The Elder Scrolls: Skyrim again. So yeah, I'm done for today.

picture from here

Tuesday, February 5, 2013


Well, today I've got nothing better to blog about so how about Sasquatch, otherwise known as Bigfoot. For those that don't know, Sasquatch is an extremely tall, extremely hairy creature that is known to live in the wilderness, and is rarely seen by people, if it is even a real creature. People say that Squatches exist, and there's even a show on Animal Planet, Finding Bigfoot. Sasquatches could be real, or they could just be mythical creatures seen by people that are hallucinating. Either way, it's just what you want to believe that really counts.

picture from here