Tuesday, October 30, 2012

picture practice

picture from here
picture from here
picture from here
 This reminds me of the time i got attacked by a monster . One day I was walking home from school by the train tracks then I saw the most horrendous thing imaginable it had ten arms, four eyes ,eight legs ,and two heads.

picture from here

Monday, October 29, 2012

About Me

My name is Cesar Rios I like waffles. My favorite animal is a monkey and I also like turtles . I like to play basket ball because it's fun .My favorite color is blue . I have 2 siblings 1 sister and 1 brother.

picture from here

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Summerize Technoology Class

Picture From Here

First i loved the hawaii theme definetely Flowerth ( the tiki in the middle me and Maddie named it). Keep you room decorated because people get a very good feeling when they walk in not just a really boring one. I didnt like the typing web. Mabey if you take three days out of the week to do it would be fine. Every day a week is not because you get very bored. The projects were really fun. I also like how you let us sit where we want to the whole quarter as long as we are not disruptive. It is also good how you aranged your room so it is not very crowded.

Thursday, October 11, 2012


Picture from here

I walked outside just in time to see Ragingpaw run by. "Stop" I yelled. Ragingpaw where are you going." Oh hey Creakpaw" She said. "you must be starving come inside for some fresh kill. ok she said. Right as we walked in the door Holleyleaf stopped us. Ragingkit how are you. Its ragingpaw now you were gone last time i was here so i did not get to tell you. Oh good well come on in did Creakpaw tell you the good news. No she hasnt well not yet. I am becoming a warrior at sundown. That is great news creakpaw i will have to stay till the wont i said raging paw. i guess you will said creakpaw. when we got to the fresh kill pile we saw nightpaw. Creakpaw where were you i was so worried said nightpaw. relax i was just outside welcoming raging paw back. Oh hey ragingpaw i did not even notice you there said nightpaw. did creakpaw tell you me and her are going to become warriors at sundown said nightpaw. Well she said she was but she did not mention you. With that nightpaw walked off. Thanks for telling him that, said creakpaw. Lets get some fresh kill and have a rest ok ,said Ragingpaw. Fine but first you need to meet the new leader. Said Creakpaw. They got up on highrock and walked inside the den. Brambleclaw was laying down and squirrelflight was washing him. Sorry for interupting said creakpaw but we have a visitor. Brambleclaw looked up to see ragingpaw standing there. Well look at that our brave hero has returned said Brambleclaw. Creakpaw take her to the den and you and her can have a rest before the cerimony. Ok said Creakpaw. Wake up said creakpaw shaking ragingpaw violently. ok ok is it time . yes it is . Do you creakpaw promise to uphold the warrior code even if it cost you yourlife. said Brambleclaw. I do said creakheart. Ok from this day until you die you will be known as Creakheart the clan honors your suface and bravery. Creakheart was exstatic the clan was calling her new name. She must have zoned out because next thing she noticed was the clan shouting nightstipe nightstripe.she woke up from her little daze and went straight over to ragingpaw to enjoy more of her company.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Ashputtel With Monsters

Ashputtel was a little girl who had a very rich father, two step sisters, and a step mother. She lives in a cottage with her family. Her parents and stepsisters made her do all the work. She went outside and planted a hazel tree and cried. She cried for her dead mother. She cried because she was treated unfairly. Then she said, " tree oh tree why me i must do all the work, while all the do is eat with forks". Then the tree said, " do not cry I will get them for you. Then out of no where a giant monster comes out and attacks the family, but not there dad. The monster ruined the house and ate the heads off the stepsisters and step mother. then the monster turned into a little puppy who the named beast. Thy went and told the king what happend. The king took pity on them and let them stay at the castle. There the prince fell in love with Ashputtel and the lived happily ever after. WITH MONSTERS.

Picture from here

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Flying lessons

Picture From here

Okay up both of you, flap your wings and fly. I look at Sydney and she looks at me then we look at our coach like he has no brain. This was our first flying lesson he cant epect us to get it right the first time. Well he can't expect me to, Sydney on the other hand already knew how to get in the air. She was an air fairy though. I am a water fairy one of the rare ones, we get wings to fly with but it is so hard to fly with wings when you have been walking your whole life. Most water fairies dont get wings but i am one of the healers so i get the wings. You think woohoo i think boohoo it is so hard. The worst part is i am terrified of heights so that is a giant bummer. Sydney is one of her healers too and she can already fly, but i guess that is why we are friends.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

She's Not Dead

Picture From Here
My high school teacher sent me a letter with one sentence that read: I vill mess mou all naxt yearl. Now I know she is a math teacher but she did like C.A.. She wasnt Russian either so this letter does not make sense. I need to bring in all the other people who got this letter. I study the letter some more and i think i get it so the first mistake is vill which needs a w so let use the v. the next mone was mess and the e needs an i so now we have and e so ve. the next letter was mou and i think that needs to be y so we have an m. vem that is what we have then naxt which is next so a so vema. then yearl whish is year so we have l vemal. Vemal La. that is where she is we have solved the puzzle but there is much more in store.