Thursday, September 27, 2012

Halloween Party

This Halloween i am having a Halloween party. This is my first one ever. Me and a few of my friends are going to be crayons. At the party we will most likely have a ton of candy because it is Halloween. I can also invite guys, and i dont know if they are going as like one big thing together or what. We wont be going with and adult because there is going to be fifteen kids so we really dont need one. I have finally gotten my dad to let me do some kind of decorating which is like a one in a million chance, so luck was on my side. There will be punch that fogs and has eyballs in it. I am hoping that dad will let me get atleast one pumpkin to carve.I hope that this will not be a disaster.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

My Life

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When i was young seven months old in fact my mom died because of cancer. Then my brother started doing his job which is a insuance person for weather so he has to travel wherever there is a storm so he can do his thing  then fifteen months old my sister had her first child brenden. My brother and sister are a lot older than me and they both live far away so i dont really get to see them much. Then when i was about seven my dad was diagnosed with heart disease and had to have surgery. About a year later he had to have a pacemaker put in. My dad usually works from about seven a.m. to about eight p.m.. so i stay with my grandma most the time. That is my life so far. 

Tuesday, September 18, 2012


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where am I,I think. I look around all i see is a rock and a black and white tape measure. I look down and see my arms tied to a pole. I take one more look around and see a gleam. A knife well that is helpful but how will i reach it.I use my foot to take my shoe and sock off. Ok show time i use my monkey toes to pick up the knife. i bend down and pick it up with my mouth i put my head over my shoulder and drop the knife. Perfect slice i get up and get the rock and the tape measure and examine the room i am in. i am in a concrete room with no window. But there is light so there must be a window but before i do anything i have to find it.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

The Cave

Cave south Australia free stock photo
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"Run" i said." I cant. look if we dont get out of here we will drown. I cant walk im too tired. Stay with me you cant sleep yet we are not ment for that. I know but i am so tired. How are we going to get out of here then i wont be able to carry you the whole way. Its too far just go i lived a good life. There is no way i am leaving you here to die not yet at least and if i have to then i will go to, but first lets try to find a way out. Fine.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012


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The day my brother came to visit. My brother Charlie came to visit me and my family. It had been at lease five years since the last time he visited so he took me to see our cousins. I had not seen most of them since I was a baby. Then he took me down to rocky ridge that was where we lived when i was born. I had a good time with Charlie and i wish i could do it more often. That was last year and i will probably be 16 next time i see him, but i can wait as long as i get to see him im fine. Charlie had only spent a week with us but as long as he could stay because he travels all over the world.

Thursday, September 6, 2012


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Help me I said to Sydney but she already started swimming away. She looked back and said we have to get moving. I'm not used to it yet I said. She started swimming back to me. We have to figure out how to do this I dont want to waste time. Well we can find the others while we get used to our new legs with scales. I said and she agreed. Luke, Juliane, Frankie we yelled no response then we saw a head pop up Luke. We at least got one. We need to start swimming we have a long way to go.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Labor Day

Labor day is on the first day of September. Labor Day is a day to appriciate the people who work, so it is supposed to be a day where no one works. People really dont know who started Labor Day there are guesses but no one  really knows who started it. The very first labor day was on September 5, 1883, on Tuesday instead of Monday. One year later in 1884 they decided to make the holiday on a Monday.
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