Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Summer 2012!(:

Well it's already the end of the school year, which means SUMMERTIME!(: Uhh! I can't wait!(: I'm determined to make this the best Summer EVER! I'll be swimming almost everyday, hanging out with my friends, getting to take vacations, and just have time off from being in school! I just can't wait any longer, I wish we got out a little earlier then Friday, but oh well!(: I'm just ready! I have so much planned for this Summer it's not even funny! I just wish it was Summer right now! I've just been so ready for summer since about November of last year, and to know that it's finally here, makes me extremley excited!(:
Picture From Here

Friday, May 11, 2012

Six Flags(:

Today Ii'm going to Six Flags! I can' wait!(: It's gonna be the funnest day of the school year! I get to ride rides, hang out with all my friends, I get to see other choirs, I just can'y wait! To bad it's a long drive up there, but oh well!(:
Picture From Here

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Teacher Appreciation Week(:

Teacher Appreciation Week is this week/day, and all teachers deserve a little bit of time to be rewarded with all that they do, it would all be worth it! Teachers have to get up, get ready, come to work, get everything ready for there class, and then teach, ALL DAY! It's got to be a stressful job, having to teach the same kids something new everyday, something there probably going to forget by the time they leave the classroom, where you have to explain it over, and over again to each student. But alot of kids never understand what all you guys put into being teachers. It takes alot of work! So thats why I do think Teacher Appreciation Day is important, because teachers need a day where they can feel good, becuase it's and entire day/week honoring them. Not that you shouldn't all the time though!

Picture From Here

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Creative Prompt

I think that this piicture is describing a boy maybe being hurt or abused and let down, and maybe the only people he could trust died. Or maybe he has died from being hurt and these few people were the only one he could actually trust and now he can't talk to them because he is dead. Or maybe it was a dream the boy was having that four people or creatures had killed him and he was going up to heaven but they didn't mean to, but they did. Or maybe they are dead to and they are watching him float down to them in heaven. And maybe they feel kind of bad for what they did, so they want to try and make it up to him. Because they each have wings maybe they have sometjhing to do with it.
Picture From Here