Friday, October 14, 2011

A couple weeks ago I went to a concert with my friend Nick . We saw Three days grace ,aveged sevenfold and many other bands . It was called uproar. It was sponcerd by Rockstar energy drinks so we got  free rockstar . I did not like all of the flavors but I liked purple. There was a small stage and a big stage depending on withch band was playing they used different stages . I had so  much fun!

Pic from here

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

My Computer Class

 This quarted in computer class I have learned how to do many things on a computer . I learned how to use most of the microsoft word things . I learned how to use a blog and I took many typeing testes so my typing skills would be better. Sofar  every day has been great in this class some times we got to play games if all of our work was done . I leaned so much from this class like the difference between ram and storage memory. I hope to take many more comuter classes this one was my favoret class this quarter!
Pic from here

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Manditory physical education

 Yes, I personal think that physical education should be mandatory . If it was not manditory there would be to many obest people in this country and noone would be normal wight. People would not know how to do push ups if not taght so then we would all start dieing because of over wight problems.even if they ate heathy the would not have the exersize to do any thing . We would have to change the way of liveing  by ajusting cars ,chairs , meal sizes, beds , and much more.
Pic from here